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Vertmont Maple Syrup
in traditional glass bottle
Organic and conventional
187 ml (250g)
235 ml (310g)
250 ml (330g)
375 ml (495g)

Vertmont Maple Syrup
in round rhum style glass bottle
Organic and conventional
250 ml (330g)
This bottle shape is an original replica of the 1/4 rhum ration issued in the British fleet to the hardy sailors in the old days.

Vertmont Maple Syrup
in plastic jug
Organic and conventional
1 Litre (1.32 kg)

Mic Mac Maple Syrup
in traditional glass bottle
Organic and conventional
187 ml (250g)
235 ml (310g)
250 ml (330g)
375 ml (495g)

Vertmont & Mic Mac
Maple Syrup
6 pack in a shrink wrapped tray for:
Organic and conventional
187 ml (250g) bottles
235 ml (310g) bottles
250 ml (330g) bottles
4 pack in a shrink wrapped tray for:
375 ml (495g) bottles
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